Union SDK

A library to help developers build their own contracts that interact with Union protocol.


BaseUnionMember - has the basic functions of Union member.

UnionBorrower - a contract Union member that can borrower from other members.

UnionVoucher - a contract Union member that can vouch for other members.



npm install @unioncredit/v1-sdk


import "@unioncredit/v1-sdk/contracts/BaseUnionMember.sol";
import "@unioncredit/v1-sdk/contracts/UnionVoucher.sol";
import "@unioncredit/v1-sdk/contracts/UnionBorrower.sol";

Example Borrower

An example implementation of a contract that is a Union member. Once registered, this contract can borrow DAI and use it to buy OSQTH.

//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@unioncredit/v1-sdk/contracts/UnionBorrower.sol";

 * @notice A UnionMember that borrows DAI to go long on OSQTH
contract SqueethWithFriends is UnionBorrower {
  address public dai;
  constructor(address _dai) {
    dai = _dai;
  function borrowAndSqueeth(uint256 _amountInDai) external {
  function sellAndRepay(uint _amountInSqueeth) external {
    uint balance = IERC20(dai).balanceOf(address(this));
  function _investInSqueeth(uint256 _amountInDai) internal {
    // buy OSQTH with DAI
  function _sellSqueeth(uint256 _amountInSqueeth) internal {
    // sell OSQTH for DAI

Example Voucher

An example implementation of a contract that is a Union member. Once registered, this contract can vouch for frankfrank holders.

//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@unioncredit/v1-sdk/contracts/UnionVoucher.sol";

 * @notice A UnionMember that vouches for holders of frankfrank
contract VouchForFrankFrank is UnionVoucher {
  uint256 public vouchAmount;
  IERC721 public frank;
  constructor(uint _vouchAmount, IERC721 _frank) {
    vouchAmount = _vouchAmount;
    frank = _frank;
  function stake() external {
    uint balance = IERC20(dai).balanceOf(address(this));
  function vouchForFrankFrank(address holder) external {
    require(frank.balanceOf(holder) > 0, "!holder");
    _updateTrust(holder, vouchAmount);
  function cancelPaperHands(address holder) external {
    require(frank.balanceOf(holder) <= 0, "!paper hands");

Last updated

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